Rich Webb's Beer Style Page

Type of Beverage

Bitterness (IBU)



%Alcohol (by vol)


Hop Character


Other Flavor Descriptor

Bitterness Flavor Aroma
Berliner Weisse 5-12 1.028-1.032 2-4 2.5-3.5% none low none none low Fruity-Estery, sharp lactic sourness, effervescent, no diacetyl
German-style Weizen / Weissbier 8-14 1.048-1.056 3-8 4.5-5% high low low low low-med Fruity-Estery, mild sour, phenolic, clove, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, Effervescent, no diacetyl
German-style Dunkelweizen 10-15 1.048-1.056 17-22 4.5-6% high low low low low-med chocolate maltiness, Fruity-Estery bannana and cloves, low diacetyl
German-style Weizenbock 10-20 1.064-1.072 7-30 6.5-7.5 high low none none med-high Fruity-Estery bannana & cloves, alcoholic, low diacetyl OK
American Wheat 5-17 1.030-1.050 2-4 3.5-5% OK low-med low-med low-med low-med low-med Fruity-Estery, no clove or phenolics, low dicetyl OK
Classic English Pale Ale 20-30 1.044-1.056 8-10 4.5-5.5% low-med high med-high med-high med Fruity-Estery, gypsum, low diacetyl OK
India Pale Ale 30-60 1.050-1.060 6-14 5.5-7% med V. high med-high med-high med Fruity-Estery, gypsum, alcohol, low diacetyl OK
English Old Ale / Strong Ale 30-40 1.060-1.075 10-16 6.5-8.5% high med low-med low-med med-high V. Fruity-Estery, low diacetyl OK, alcohol, gypsum
Strong "Scotch" Ale 25-35 1.072-1.085 10-47 6.5-8.5% V. high low-med low low high low-med diacetyl
American Style Pale Ale 20-40 1.044-1.056 4-11 4.5-5.5% low-med high med-high med-high med Fruity-Estery, dry hop, gypsum, low diacetyl OK
Cream Ale 10-22 1.044-1.055 2-4 4.5-7% low low-med low low low low fruity-estery OK, Effervescent
English Ordinary Bitter 20-25 1.035-1.038 8-12 3-3.5% low-med med none-med none-med low-med Fruity-Estery OK, low-med Diacetyl, low carbonation, dry hop, gypsum
English Special Bitter 25-30 1.038-1.042 12-14 3.5-4.5% med med none-med none-med low-med Fruity-Estery, some Diacetyl, low carbonation, dry hop, gypsum
English Extra Special Bitter 30-35 1.042-1.050 12-14 4.5-5.5% med-high med-high none-med none-med low-med Fruity-Estery, some Diacetyl, low carbonation, dry hop, gypsum
Scottish Light 9-15 1.030-1.035 8-17 3-4% med-high low none-low none-low med fruity, low-med diacetyl, smoky/sulphur, roast barley, low carbonation, low-med diacetyl
Scottish Heavy 12-17 1.035-1.040 10-19 3.5-4% med-high low none-low none-low med fruity-estery OK, low-med diacetyl, sulphur, roast barley, low carbonation
Scottish Export 15-20 1.040-1.050 10-19 4-4.5% med-high low-med none-low none-low med-high Fruity-estery OK, low-med diacetyl, sulphur, roast barley
Barley Wine 50-100 1.090-1.120 14-22 8.4-12% V. high med-high low-high low-high med-high Fruity-Estery, low-med Diacetyl OK, alcohol taste
Kolsch 16-30 1.042-1.046 4-10 4-5% - med low low low-med dry, winey palate, wheat malt OK
German/Dusseldorf-style Altbier 30-50 1.044-1.048 11-19 4.3-5% med-high med-high V. low none low-med low Fruity-estery, low diacetyl OK
English Brown 15-30 1.040-1.050 15-22 4.5-6.5% high low low low med-high some Fruity-estery, butter, toffee, vanilla, low carbonation, chalk, sweet, low diacetyl OK
English Mild 14-37 1.032-1.036 22-34 2.5-3.6% med low low low low low estery, Diacetyl, low carbonation, black malts for dryness, chalk
American Brown 25-60 1.040-1.055 15-22 4.5-6.5% med-high high med-high med-high med Low Fruity-Estery, dry palate, low diacetyl OK
Robust Porter 25-40 1.044-1.060 30+ 5-6.5% med med-high none-med none-med med-high fruity-estery OK, black malt bitterness (no roast barley), chalk, dry hop, low diacetyl OK
Brown Porter 20-30 1.040-1.050 20-35 4.5-6% low-med med none-med none-med low-med Fruity-estery OK, low diacetyl OK, Choc malt, low black malt, dry hop
Dry Stout 30-40 1.038-1.048 40+ 3.8-5% med-high med-high none none low-med low levels of bitterness from Roast barley, chalk, slight sour/acidity, low-med diacetyl
Foreign Style Stout 30-60 1.052-1.072 40+ 6-7.5% high med-high none none med-high low levels of Roast barley, chalk, slight sour/acidity, low-med diacetyl
Sweet Stout 15-25 1.045-1.056 40+ 3-6% high V. low none none med-high Choc malt, lactose, chalk, some Roast barley, chalk, low diacetyl
Imperial Stout 50-80 1.075-1.090 20+ 7-9% V. high med-V. high med-high med-high high fruity-estery, Roast barley, choc, black malt, chalk, alcohol, low diacetyl OK
Flanders Brown 35-50 1.045-1.056 16-20 5-6.5% - low-med none none low-med Slight sourness & spiceiness, Fruity-Estery, vienna malt, corn grits, low diacetyl OK
Trappist Ales 25-50 1.060-1.070 15-30 6-10% - low-med - - low-med low malt aroma, slightly acid, sugar, citric & hop aroma, low diacetyl OK
House Brew 25-40 1.060-1.070 15-25 6-6.5% - - - - - -
Double Malt 30-45 1.060-1.070 17-30 7.5-8% med-high low-med OK V. low med-high nutty aroma, low diacetyl OK
Triple Malt 35-50 1.070-1.090 7-14 8-10% - low-med OK low med-high light malty aroma, alcohol
Saison 25-40 1.044-1.080 4-10 5.5-7.5% high med-high - - - Fruity-Estery, hard water, high carbonation, spiced, dry hop
Lambic 3-7 1.044-1.056 4-8 4-6% - none none none low Fruity-Estery, horsey, sour, aged hops, no carbonation, cloudiness OK
Faro - 1.044-1.056 - 4.5-5.5% - - - - - Sweetened lambic
White 20-35 1.044-1.050 2-4 4.5-5% - low-med OK OK low soft water, coriander, low-med estery, low diacetyl OK, noble hops, 50% unmalted wheat, sour, spice
Biere de Garde 25-30 1.060-1.080 8-12 4.5-8% med-high med low-med low low-med low-med fruity-estery, earthy, musty aroma, vienna malt
German Pilsener 30-40 1.044-1.050 2.5-4 4-5% low med-high low-med med low-med dry, no esters, V. low Diacetyl OK
Bohemian Pilsener 35-45 1.044-1.056 3-5 4-5% low-med med-high low-med low-med low-med low Diacetyl OK, no fruity-estery, soft water
American Standard 5-17 1.040-1.046 2-4 3.8-4.5% low low V. low V. low low no fruity-estery or diacetyl
Diet / Lite 8-15 1.024-1.040 2-4 2.9-4.2% none V. low-low none none low no fruity-estery or diacetyl, high carbonation
American Premium 13-23 1.046-1.050 2-8 4.3-5% low low-med low low low no fruity-estery or diacetyl
Dry 15-23 1.040-1.050 2-4 4-5% low low-med low low low no fruity-estery or diacetyl, effervescent, no aftertaste
American Dark 14-20 1.040-1.050 10-20 4-5.5% low low low low low-med no fruity-estery, V. low diacetyl OK
Munich Helles 18-25 1.044-1.052 3-5 4.5-5.5% med low low-noble low-noble med no fruity-estery, low Diacetyl OK
Dortmund / Export 23-29 1.048-1.056 4-6 4.8-6% med med low-noble low-noble med no fruity-estery or diacetyl, alcoholic, gypsum
California Common (Steam) 35-45 1.040-1.056 8-17 3.6-5% med med-high med-high med med toasted caramel maltiness in aroma & flavor
European Dark 18-27 - 10-20 4.5-6% - - - - - -
Munich Dunkel 16-25 1.052-1.056 17-23 4.5-5% high med low-noble low-noble med nutty toasted chocolate in aroma and flavor, no fruity-estery, low diacetyl OK
Schwarzbier 22-30 1.044-1.052 25-30 3.8-5% high low-med low-noble low-noble med no fruity-estery, low diacetyl OK, roasted malt
Vienna 18-30 1.048-1.055 10-20 4.5-5.5% high low-med low-med nob low-med nob low-med no fruity-estery, low diacetyl OK, toasted malt aroma and flavor, chalk
Marzen 20-30 1.052-1.064 8-14 4.5-6.5% high low-med low noble low noble med no fruity-estery or diacetyl, toasted malt aroma and flavor
Oktoberfest 20-30 1.052-1.064 8-14 4.5-6.5% high low-med low noble low noble med no fruity-estery or diacetyl, toasted malt aroma and flavor
Traditional German Dark Bock 20-30 1.066-1.074 20-30 6-7.5% high low low none high no fruity-estery, low-med diacetyl OK
Helles (light) Bock 20-35 1.066-1.068 4.5-6 6-7.5% high low low-med V. low-med med-high no fruity-estery, low-med diacetyl OK
Doppelbock 17-27 1.074-1.080 12-30 6.5-8% high low low none high no-low fruity-estery, low-med diacetyl OK
Eisbock 26-33 1.092-1.116 18-50 8.6-14.4% high low low none high Very alcoholic

This document was placed here on Dec 5, 1996, and has been viewed countless times.

This page is authored and maintained by Rich Webb.You can send E-mail to me by following this link to the contact page. And feel free to contact me if you have any comments, criticisms, or suggestions. I remain, however, perfectly capable of ignoring your useless opinion...